Don't Drink & Eat Standing

The habit of drink & eat while standing can cause effect to health in long term. According to medical experts Dr. Abdul Razzak Al-Kailani said, sitting down while eat & drink is better for health, safer & more satisfying where food & drinks pass through stomach wall calmly.
Medical studies show that in human body there is a filter "sfringer" which function to open its aperture while sitting and close while standing.

Water that people drink every day are not 100% filtered when it enter the body, "sfringer" will function to filtered all unwanted objects in the water before it is distribute to the entire body.

So, if the water enter the body while standing, then the water will not be filtered in advance because the "sfringer" is closed and the water taken straight to urine pouch that can lead to disease such as kidney stones.

Drink while standing also will cause  high pressure water drop into the stomach and that will resulted stomach shock condition. Instead, the water will hardly fall into the lining of the abdomen and would hit the lining walls of the stomach.

If this habit been practicing continuously, the walls of the stomach will be loose and will cause other disease such as difficulty to digest food.

Another expert on the study, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Rawi also found, when the body is standing, the body muscle will be strained and pressure will be put on the central nervous system & forced it to work over active guarding all the muscle to make the process of balancing the body. This circumstances will cause the organs in the body cannot rest momentarily after working.

Unlike when drinking while sitting, nervous system and muscle will be in calm state and able to carry out their duties and processing all form of materials that enter into the body properly including water and food.

It still depend on the situation when there is to crowded or there is no place to sit, but just don't make it as a habit.

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