Avoid Sexual Intercourse During Menstruation

Avoid sexual intercourse during menstruation is good because it has many benefits in terms of health. However, there is no prohibition between husband and wife does joking and mingle during menstruation, as long as the act does not lead to sexual intercourse.

Sexual intercourse during menstruation has many risks, according to a study conducted by Dr. Diana Antoniskis (MD) from The Research And Education Group headquarters in Oregon, in an article entitled "Women With HIV infection", increasing the risk of HIV infection in women who have sex with men during menstruation or with men who are not circumcised.

Centers for Disease Control And Prevention in America, in the eleventh Assembly of International Organization On Sexually Transmitted Diseases in New Orleans held on 27 to 30 August in 1995 report, avoid sexual intercourse during menstruation or when experiencing bleeding in the vagina is essential to reduce the risk of HIV infected men and women.

The report also explained that women who had sex during menstruation increases the risk of contracting AIDS by six times. Sexual intercourse during menstruation can also cause severe bleeding on women. The study, conducted by Dr. Winnifield Cutler and his colleagues from the Athena Institute for Women's Health in Chester Springs show, the woman who almost menopause or postmenopausal  who frequently had sex during menstruation often experience severe bleeding problems than usual.

Usually such cases are finally forced to undergo high-risk surgery to remove the uterus or hysterectomy & ovaries or ovariectomy. These findings reported in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1996. For women, their Fallopian tubes and ovaries can be attack by bacteria causing vaginal discharge, pain and fever.

Risk to infect by the disease is higher among those who have sex during menstruation. This is because, the Fallopian tubes and ovaries are protected from attack by the substance acid bacteria found in the vagina or vaginal area.

When the woman in menstruation, the vagina becomes alkaline facilitating the germs to multiply and cause disease, particularly when there is sexual intercourse at the time.

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