What Good for Pregnant Mother & Fetus Development?

Pregnant mothers are also encouraged to add olive oil in their diet to assist in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients for the fetus other than that it help to overcome the problem of constipation which is usually experienced by pregnant mothers. Read more »

Providing Health During Pregnancy - Pomegranate fruit contains niacin, folic acid, potassium, calcium, vitamin C, iron and fibre. This content can maintain the health of pregnant women and infant development. Properties of pomegranate which act as anti-inflammatory helps maintain blood circulation, very good for the development of the fetus. In addition, the pomegranate has potassiun which can prevent cramps during pregnancy. Taking pomegranate periodically by pregnant mothers can reduce the risk of preterm birth. Intake of pomegranate juice during pregnancy may reduce spasms and sleep problems which are common among women who are pregnant. Pomegranates also can increase the rate of blood flow to the fetus, which can reduce the risk of brain damage. Read more »

The chemicals contents in chicken liver can also cause teratogenic effects, carcinogenic effects of teratogenic effects. Teratogenic effects can cause bad effects on pregnant women, especially to the fetus. The chemical content may cause a miscarriage or disability for the baby. Read more »

1 comment:

  1. Nôn mửa vào buổi sáng là triệu chứng thường gặp nhất của quá trình mang thai, nhưng nó có thể xảy ra vào bất cứ thời gian nào trong ngày. Trong phần lớn trường hợp, bạn sẽ hết nghén sau 3 tháng đầu thai kỳ, nhưng có tới 20% bà bầu phải chịu đựng tình trạng này cho tới lúc sinh.


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