Quality sleep at night is an effort to optimize the detoxification process to neutralize toxins that contaminate the body. Detoxification of the body, occurs mainly in the liver, it reached its optimum during sleep. This mechanism is closely related to antioxidants as a neutralizing toxins produced. In quality sleep, liver detoxification can run optimally, especially in the formation of the amino acid glutathione as an antioxidant to neutralize the oxidative stress and free radicals.
Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. Most people are doing the detoxification process by adjusting the diet and even do not eat for a few hours. But it turns out the detoxification process is also done on our sleeping time, but it happen within a certain time. So you need to know to justify the sleep patterns to live healthier.
Detoxification is the removal of toxins from the body. Naturally, the bodies do light detoxification, such as defecation or urination. However, the body also detoxify naturally at night. "So, avoid sleeping too late and avoid waking up too late, because it can give bad contribution in the process of removing toxins in the body," said Dr. Lily G. Karmel MA. In order for the removal of toxins to run optimally at night, know body biological schedules for detoxifying process:
21:00 - 23:00
De-toxin in the antibody system (lymph
nodes). If the body is still working (not in the relaxed conditions), it has
a negative impact on the body in the long term. Through your night calmly and
quickly go to sleep.
23:00 - 01:00
The process of detoxification in the liver
should be in a state of sleep.
01:00 - 03:00
The process of detoxification in bile in
a state of deep sleep.
03:00 - 05:00
The process of detoxification in the
lungs. There will be severe cough for cough sufferers because cleaning has
reached the respiratory tract. Avoid cough medicine to avoid interference
with toxin removal process.
05:00 - 07:00
Colon De-toxin must remove waste through
07:00 - 09:00
Absorption time of nutrients in the small
intestine. So you should breakfasts (ghiboo.com).
Sleep too late and waking up too late are main cause of liver damage due to inefficient and ineffective detoxification process. Other causes that can lead to liver damage is eating too much, consume too many medicine, and eating too much preservatives, additives, dyes, artificial sweeteners.
About Liver Function Index
The official website Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology launched the latest discoveries about the causes of liver cancer. In an article titled "Latest Discoveries about Liver Cancer! Do not Sleep Too Late" was revealed that the doctors at the National Taiwan Hospital recently shocked the world of medicine since the discovery of a case of a young 37 year-old doctor who had been very confident in the results of liver function tests (GOT, GPT), but it turns out positive with liver cancer over 10 cm. During this time almost everyone really depends on the index of liver function tests (Liver Function Index).
GOT and GPT are enzymes that are most abundant in the liver cells. When there is inflammation of the liver or because of other reasons that cause liver cells die, the GOT and GPT will come out from the liver. This causes the contents of GOT and GPT in the blood increases.
But no increase in the number of GOT and GPT does not mean that there is no hardening of the liver or liver cancer. For many people with liver inflammation, although the inflammatory condition of their liver had stopped, but their liver have formed fibers and harden. With the hardening of the liver, it would be easier for liver cancer to occur.
In addition, in the early stages of liver cancer, liver index will not increase. Because during growth of cancer, only the cells surrounding will be attack until damaged and die. Because of this damage is only in a small scale, the GOT and GPT number may still be within normal limits, even if it rise there will be no significant increase.
So, be careful and take necessary precautions to avoid liver damage, inflammation and disease related to liver before it become worse and lead to liver cancer by having quality sleep which in other word sleep at the right time where the body is set to do the detoxification process efficiently.
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