Heavy and fatty foods require more energy for digestion and disposal. That's why many of us feel sleepy and tired after eating. It would be better if we eat the fruits before meal, so that the intestines will be clean.
Dr. Muhammad Suwardi, explaining that the fruit that consumed as a dessert go to waste in the body because the fruit is not digested naturally in the stomach, but allowed to gather and mix with other food for hours in the concentrated pool of stomach acid. So, don’t eat fruit after a meal.
According to Dr. Stephen Carr Leon research, he had observed for 8 years in Israel. The results obtained show that the Jews (Israel) is known as smart people and one of the reason because they are maintaining their diet , which is they practice to eat fruit before eating meal. In addition, they are maintaining the principle not to eat meat and fish together.
Stephen also mentioned that children in this country are accustomed to eating fruit before the main course. So do not be surprised if in the banquets in their homes, fruit will be served first. According to them, by eating a carbohydrate meal (rice or bread) first, followed by eating the fruit will make them feel sleepy. This can lead to the condition of the body becomes very weak and difficult to comprehend lessons in school.
In addition, research has shown that eating fruit beforehand can provoke gastric juice to immediately remove the gastric juice that will help in digestion of other foods.
Enzymes from fruits can help the body to digest carbohydrates, protein, and fat. The body is lighter to digest because they do not have to bother producing digestive enzymes.
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