According to researchers from the University of Munich, said that keeping a dog increases the risk of breast cancer. Risk of having a cancer because of keeping a dog is much larger than other pets such as cats and rabbits. A total of 79.7% of breast cancer patients had often played with dogs, such as by hugging, kissing, holding, bathing, and all dog grooming activity. Only 4.4% of patients who do not have pets. Read more »
It will secrete a hormone which is oxytocin that helps shrink the uterus and helps uterus return to its original shape. It also helps to reduce weight up to 500 or more calories per day for such activities. It also reduces the risk of breast cancer, pre-menopause, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis. Read more »
Consume Olive Oil
Consume Olive Oil
Study from The Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed that olive oil diet with fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. In addition, olive oil also improves digestion and absorption of nutrients where it releases gastric acid slowly and help the production of bile optimally. Read more »
Eat a Pomegranate
Eat a Pomegranate
Fight Cancer - Pomegranate fruit contains anti-oxidants which are very effective in fighting several types of cancer, including breast, prostate and skin cancers. In addition, anti-oxidants also play a role against some other disease. Antioxidants will encourage formation of red blood cells that help to detoxify the body and form the better immune system. Pomegranates are believed can provide apoptosis, a process in which the cell will destroy itself. Taking a glass of pomegranate juice every day may retard development of cancer cells in prostate. Furthermore, it can also inhibit aromatase, an enzyme that plays an important role in breast cancer generation. Read more »
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