Eat a Pomegranate

The pomegranate is a worldwide well-known fruit for its nutritional content. The fruit can be found in northern India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan and also available in South Asia, California, Africa and others. The fruit colour is yellow-orange, red or purple. The content is pink in colour and has small seeds. It was sweet and juicy. Pomegranate is also popular in medical and beauty field because it has beneficial content for the body.

This fruit has been use for thousands of years. The pomegranate has been used in medicine in the Middle East since long ago. At that time, it was used as a tonic to cure minor ailments such as ulcers and diarrhea.

Pomegranate juice contains antioxidants such as anthocyanin and ellagik acid, gallic acids and flavanoids like quercetin, which can protect you from diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis and some other types of cancer.

Pomegranate Nutrition Facts

Pomegranate is very good for health because it contains higher anti-oxidants than the assay berries or green tea. The pomegranate has a high content of Vitamin C, in 100ml pomegranate consists of a 16 percent rate of a person's daily requirement.

Pomegranate also has high levels of vitamin K, which can encourage bone health. Furthermore, pomegranate contains Vitamin B which can help the body to process protein, carbohydrates and fat. This fruit also contains high levels of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron. Meanwhile, there is very little fat and cholesterol content in the fruit.

This fruit has only 130-150 calories, where 105 calories come from seeds (we usually do not eat the seeds). The pomegranate seed has such calorie content because it consist unsaturated fats, sugars and carbohydrates. Other than that, these seeds also contain fibre and protein.

Usefulness in Beauty
  1. Cell Regenerative - Pomegranates can protect the epidermis and dermis of the skin by helping restore skin cells, helping regenerate body tissues, curing wounds and increase blood circulation to the skin. Pomegranate seed oil also played a role in encouraging and assisting the epidermal layer of the skin. This is because its seeds contain high levels of nutrients.
  2. Protect from sunlight - Pomegranates can protect the skin from sun burn and treat any skin problems caused by too much exposure to sunlight. Furthermore, it can protect the skin from sun free radical that can cause cancer. The pomegranate oil has anti-oxidant that may retard tumor from generate and skin cancer.
  3. Slow the Aging Process - Eating pomegranates may prevent from hyper pigmentation, age spots, dark spots, facial lines and wrinkles which are usually caused by too much exposure to sunlight.
  4. Maintaining Youthful - Pomegranate has a content that can soften the skin and face. At the same time produce elastin and collagen supplements that can restore skin elasticity.
  5. Restoring Dry Skin - Pomegranate sometimes use in beauty products because it has a molecular structure that can penetrate into the skin and provide extra moisture. Pomegranate contains punicic acid, one form of omega 3 which helps to maintain the moisture level of the skin.
  6. Treat Oily and Acne Face - Pomegranate is very useful to oily skin and acne. Apply the juice of pomegranates on the surface of the affected skin can reduce and control acne. Furthermore, this fruit can also reduce the scars caused by acne.
  7. Treating Hair Loss -  Drink pomegranate juice regularly can strengthen the hair roots. This can prevent hair loss and give you healthy hair.

Benefits in Health
  1. Eliminating Free Radicals - Pomegranate contains high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols like hydrolyzable Tannis which can reduce the effects of free radicals in the body.
  2. Protect Heart - Pomegranate helps remove plaque in blood vessels and makes the arteries more flexible. With this, it can reduce blood vessel problems. At the same time it helps reducing the risk of atherosclerosis which is the main cause of heart problems. Consumption of pomegranate juice can reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL), which can improve heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems (heart).
  3. Fight Cancer - Pomegranate fruit contains anti-oxidants which are very effective in fighting several types of cancer, including breast, prostate and skin cancers. In addition, anti-oxidants also play a role against some other disease. Antioxidants will encourage formation of red blood cells that help to detoxify the body and form the better immune system. Pomegranates are believed can provide apoptosis, a process in which the cell will destroy itself. Taking a glass of pomegranate juice every day may retard development of cancer cells in prostate. Furthermore, it can also inhibit aromatase, an enzyme that plays an important role in breast cancer generation.
  4. Helps the Digestive System - Pomegranates help the body to produce enzymes with anti-bacterial properties that can help the digestive system and fight many diseases cause by food eaten. Pomegranate can also treat constipation. One way to consume it is by mixing 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon of extraction / pomegranate juice into a glass.
  5. Increasing Appetite - Pomegranate is very suitable for children who do not have an appetite. Parents are encouraged to give them a glass of pomegranate juice. This can help them to increase an appetite.
  6. Cure Anemia - Anemia is a disorder caused by a deficiency of red blood cells in the body. Pomegranate has high iron content. This can increase the hemoglobin content in the blood, and thus cure anemia.
  7. Reduce Inflammation - Pomegranate contains Vitamin C which is an anti-inflammatory substance. This can help control and reduce asthma, pain embroideries, coughing and sneezing.
  8. Better Blood Circulation - Pomegranate is also often used to relieve blockages in the blood vessels. This can be caused by a person that does not practice good nutrition and perhaps also because of the smoking habit.
  9. Helps Weight Loss - Studies show that pomegranate has natural properties that can cleanse the body from within, detox and helps burn unused fat. Thus, pomegranates are very suitable as a daily diet food for those who want to lose weight.
  10. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels - Even though pomegranate contains fructose, it does not raise blood sugar levels as other fruits. Studies show that there is no increase in blood sugar for diabetics who are eating / drinking pomegranate every day for 2 weeks.
  11. Controlling Blood Pressure - Pomegranates also can reduce high blood pressure. The fruit juice can reduce inflammation in the blood vessels of patients with heart problems. It is a natural aspirin, which can prevent blood clots.
  12. Prevent Plaque - Most people may not believe, but the pomegranate juice can be used as a mouthwash, as sold commercially out there. Some of the content in this fruit has high anti-plaque properties. Studies show that pomegranate can reduce plaque in the mouth (caused by organisms) by 84%.

Nutritional Supplements for Men
  1. Reduce The Risk of Impotence - Eating and drinking pomegranate regularly can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction and atherosclerosis. High content of anti-oxidants that can helps prevent from the risk of these diseases.
  2. Treating Prostate Cancer - Research shows that the intake of pomegranate can reduce and in some cases can cure prostate cancer patients.

Additional Benefits for Women
  1. Providing Health During Pregnancy - Pomegranate fruit contains niacin, folic acid, potassium, calcium, vitamin C, iron and fibre. This content can maintain the health of pregnant women and infant development. Properties of pomegranate which act as anti-inflammatory helps maintain blood circulation, very good for the development of the fetus. In addition, the pomegranate has potassiun which can prevent cramps during pregnancy. Taking pomegranate periodically by pregnant mothers can reduce the risk of preterm birth. Intake of pomegranate juice during pregnancy may reduce spasms and sleep problems which are common among women who are pregnant. Pomegranates also can increase the rate of blood flow to the fetus, which can reduce the risk of brain damage.
  2. Reducing the Risk of Breast Cancer - Studies show that the content of ellagitannins in pomegranates can prevent the growth of breast cancer cells.

Case Studies on Pomegranate Nutrition
  1. Prostate Cancer - A study in 2006 found that drinking 227ml of pomegranate juice daily may slow the progression of prostate cancer. However, although the study was carried out with the utmost care, there are some who do not agree and asked for some additional studies to support these findings.
  2. The Narrow Arteries (Carotid Artery Stenosis) - A study was performed in 2004 on Carotid artery stenosis patient’s, found that consumption of 50ml of pomegranate juice every day for 3 years can reduce the adverse effects of cholesterol on the artery by 50%, and can inhibit the cholesterol in the body.
  3. Heart Problems - A study was performed in 2005 on 45 patients with heart problems. They are given to drink 238ml of pomegranate juice for 3 months and the results are very encouraging. They improved blood circulation and decreases the risk of heart disease. 

Reminder Before Eating Pomegranate

Before you eating a pomegranate, you should consider a few things because this fruit can give a negative impact if you do not follow the list below:
  1. Pomegranate juice is not recommended to be taken by people who are infected by flu, cough, diarrhea and related diseases.
  2. Pomegranate juice has anti-oxidants that can lower blood pressure. Therefore, if you are taking any blood pressure medication from your doctor, you are not recommended to drink pomegranate juice. This is because doing so can cause your blood pressure drop (hypotension).
  3. People who have allergies and asthma with some plants it is likely to have an allergy to this fruit. Common allergies are vomiting, itchy eyes and difficulty in breathing.
  4. The pomegranate can interfere with the effects of some drugs, particularly cholesterol medication.

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